This master class on the psychology of persuasion is probably at too high a level for the average account manager or sales manager. This is the Sales Leadership Academy's Brain Sensitive Influencing & Persuasion master class.

This is because the academy translates theory into the participant's practice. Moreover, the science-based psychological insights are only suitable for sales professionals who have a senior level of thinking or work.

Ethically, the participant is also introduced to insights that may be too high for the "intelligence level" of the average account managers or sales bosses in the Netherlands. This can actually also be said about the complete internationally accredited sales courses at Post-hbo+ level of the same institute.

How so '... ethically overbearing ...'

Indeed, the said master class will also make participants aware of the thin dividing line between, manipulatively influencing others for one's own gain versus the though ethical use of brain-sensitive influence techniques. Which is well explained by Nobel laureate Richard Thaler, along with Cass R. Sunstein, author of the bestseller "Nudge.

"Someone who is 'ethical' doesn't go into sales..." isn't it often said for a reason?"

In addition, this master class may make you acutely aware of, among other things, the power of the.

Reactance Bias effect. A powerful (reverse) psychological persuasion technique, which was just unleashed on you in the title and the text so far.

We unconsciously rebel when people say:

  • That we need to do something
  • we are not allowed to do something (anymore)
  • that you can't do something

So we intentionally made false assumptions to intentionally make you feel rebellious of.... 'Oh yeah?!? I'm not ethical and smart enough for this?We'll see about that...'. With the goal of making you want to start doing the exact opposite.

Wendy Oude Veldhuis explains in her article 'This is how you influence stubborn people who don't want anything', very well explains how this bias works. She even has a 2-day master class for it. Too bad sales professionals and marketers are not mentioned as a target group. Because whose job is it really to be able to influence & convince others? That almost makes us rebellious....

Nevertheless, the Reactance Bias is a very powerful technique. Something we experienced ourselves years ago with our LinkedIn Article titled "Please STOP using the standard Sales Funnel. This article yielded more than 12,000 views and several full master classes due to its bold and contrarian title. Something that was certainly not a bad score in 2015 on LinkedIn.

In short, don't underestimate the power of the subconscious. Educating yourself in the psychology of persuasion will arm you against everything you are consciously and unconsciously exposed to on a daily basis. And how cool would it be if you could also start ethically applying these brain-sensitive techniques yourself....

So follow the Master class Brain Sensitive Influencing & Persuasion especially NOT.