Postgraduate Courses for (Senior) Account Managers SCPS™

There is no sales Course at this level in the Netherlands that is so Practice-oriented, Flexible, 'Up-To-Date' and also so Distinctive.

Most practice-oriented...

During the classes, the postgraduate master classes, we translate theoretical models and methods into your daily practice. Together with your fellow students, you will find scientifically based sales techniques that really suit you. You will learn to understand why methods are successful. And why, in many cases, they are not.

You will be personally coached based on your personal behavioral and motivational test and receive all the guidance you need to obtain your Post-Hbo/Post-academic Diploma and excel as a professional.

In addition, assessment will not be through thesis and reports, but through practical assignments.

Practical assignments that are designed so that after successful completion they become part of your own 'Sales Playbook'. A valuable manual that could also be used within the company for others. The positive impact of your Course will therefore go far beyond improving your personal skills alone.

1. Post-hbo Account Management*
2. Post-hbo Senior Account Management*.
3. Post-hbo International Certified Senior Account Management SCPS™ *.

* Your investment for one of the three learning lines varies between €6,990 and €4,450 excluding VAT

Most Flexible...

You are also flexible in what pace you go through our postgraduate sales courses .

Because sometimes you are also busy with other things in your life. Sometimes business things happen that you could not have foreseen and need attention NOW. Private life is also important and the same applies here. So we offer you the opportunity to hit the pause button at any time. Go to another location or attend a master class online.

We find it important that you develop yourself in a way that you get the most out of the Course and do not get sidetracked by outside pressure. Ideal if you are in a dynamic environment or are internationally active.

The most 'up-to-date' ...

We are embracing 'AI' and thus ChatGPT. 'AI' is a 'new' phenomenon that the modern Sales Professional must consider. 'If you Snooze, You'll Lose...'

'The genie is out of the bottle' and 'If you can't fight it..., join it!' ChatGPT is well regarded, something extraordinarily employable within the sales domain at every level. 'It will put your sales on steroids'

Not to create superficial texts that can do more harm than good. We'll teach you how to use this much more thoughtfully to dig in deeper than ever before and help clients better. But then you have to know how -- and we'll teach you.


Stand out from the crowed....

'College-level thinking and work' is the norm these days. With a Postgraduate Diploma from the Sales Leadership Academy, there will no longer be any doubt about this.

Unfortunately, you then only meet the 'standard' and so there will be many more, which will make you blend back into the average. Would you also like to belong to the 'happy few' and be able to put the coveted internationally recognized registration title SCPS™ behind your name? Then you are in good hands with us. You can be sure that you will rise above the rest.


Harold Nijkamp RMiA SCPS™, Registermakelaar in Assurantie, Regie geeft Rust!

"I really liked the pragmatic way Ben Mastboom teaches. What has been learned is directly applicable both during and after the course applicable. I have been in the sales business for over 20 years, but because of the Senior Account Management SCPS™ course, I now know even better how to effectively make get the most out of my time."

Fleur Jakobs, International account manager at Royal Fassin B.V.

"I got to know Ben as a very driven and enthusiastic person during the lectures of 'Senior Account Management SCPS™'. His vast sales experience that he shares with you during the classes give you a huge boost of energy. The tools he teaches you and indicates to create more sales can be applied to your own work immediately the next day. Ben's lectures have given me a lot of insight into the sales process. Partly because of these lectures I am very aware of the value, that I and our company, can offer customers and the value customers can offer us. Value for the customer and value from the customer can no longer be ignored in daily work."

Patrick Konings, Sr. Account Manager, SCPS at Lopital Nederland B.V. - Healthcare supplies

"Personally, during the International Accredited Sales Leadership Program 'Senior Account Management SCPS™', I have experienced Ben as a warm personality. He knows how to get people to the next level with his knowledge, skill, creativity and enthusiasm. Among other things, Ben has taught me how to be 'successful' and has been able to increase my differentiation from other sales professionals at clients."

Johannes Baas, Co-founder at Plate

"Ben's lessons during the course Senior Account Management SCPS™ hit like a bomb. With his drive and experience, he knows how to convey the theory so powerfully that you can't sit still. Thanks to Ben's lectures, the quality of my sales process has increased, the focus within certain segments is better distributed and I have gained a better understanding of opportunities."

Anneke Saathof, Account Manager at Health2Work

"I got to know Ben during my course HBO+ Senior Accountmanagment SCPS™. Ben is an inspiring teacher and highly skilled professional and sparring partner. Because of his thoroughness, he knows exactly where the pain points are, and can respond well to them. It was incredibly instructive and inspiring to be taught by such a warm and enthusiastic person as Ben. Ben, good luck in the future and thank you for your commitment! Hopefully we will meet again in the future!"

Ivan Alvares, Senior Account Manager at Lopital BV

"During the lectures of the Senior Account Management SCPS™ Program, I experienced Ben as a pragmatic, knowledgeable and enthusiastic person. Using his extensive sales experience, he provides very useful and revenue-enhancing tools that can be applied immediately during the course are applicable to your daily work. He gives a clear insight into how your distinctive ability / value linked to customer value, creates more sales."