Push aside that modesty a little more often, as an entrepreneur or sales professional....

You receive a recommendation and compliment publicly on LinkedIn about a core quality of yours, that you provide good pragmatic advice and insights. So what do you do? This is advice and insights that you share professionally with others to help them be more successful. Do you modestly say "thank you" or do you shout this [ ...].

Push aside that modesty a little more often, as an entrepreneur or sales professional....2023-01-17T09:41:29+01:00

It can be done much smarter, so pull up that job posting for that account manager or marketer, again....

Here are the 7.5 tips, which may lead you to the conclusion, that you don't need more people at all, you can get by with less. It's a thing these days - getting new people. It can seriously hinder the growth of your organization, it seems. However, there are more [... ]

It can be done much smarter, so pull up that job posting for that account manager or marketer, again....2022-07-03T13:30:04+02:00
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