Postgraduate courses for Sales Managers and Sales Leaders, CSE®

Are you a 'Sales Leader' or just a 'Sales Manager'? There is no sales course in the Netherlands that knows how to bridge the gap between 'Sales Management' and 'Sales Leadership'.

'Leadership is that people follow you intrinsically because they want to, not because they have to.'

Are you that (upcoming) Sales Manager or. Sales Leader?

How many times in your career did you get to report directly to someone who had confidence in you? Set you free to be who you are, allowed you to discover what you were really capable of, who put you in your power more than once and helped you successfully push your limits?

Someone you love to make time to speak to her or him again to spar with. Because you are sure this conversation will give you new ideas and motivate you to achieve just a little more than before the conversation?

Should you be able to name one, I'm sure there won't have been many, this was a (Sales) Leader and not a Manager.

Would your name come up as "Leader" if we asked the same question to the people who have reported to you, are still reporting or will report to you?

We will provide you with the insights to develop as a (prospective) Sales Leader and not just a Sales Manager.

Managing people or rather. 'Managing' is a different profession than being an excellent senior account manager. A profession for which the Sales Manager is rarely properly trained, with all the consequences that entails. As a result, many organizations often lose a top account manager after a promotion and get a poor sales manager (let alone Leader) in return. While this doesn't have to be the case.


1. Post-hbo Sales Management*
2. Post-hbo International Certified Sales Management CSE®*.

* Your investment for one of the two sales management courses varies between €7,990 and €5,995 excluding VAT

Knowledge competencies

In addition to teaching you how to manage, coach and lead, we will first teach you what the best sales methodologies are or how to hone them.

Why? If you start managing, coaching and leading your people with the wrong methodologies, then we will teach you how to lead them very effectively and efficiently in the wrong direction and you should not want that. Regardless of how successful you yourself have been with this, your people are not like you... and who knows, you might have been even better if you had known earlier what we will teach you.

Then we will give you the strategic and coaching and leadership principles. But also how you can more successfully influence your own behavior that of the Sales team to start pushing boundaries together more easily and enjoyably.

We also give you more insights to sharpen your recruiting and selection skills to hire people on more than just your gut feeling. How to accelerate their Ramp-Up-Time after hiring.

How to know what the potential of existing team members really is and how to unlock it more quickly and easily.

In short, skills and insights on how to help your Sales Team and the company you work for excel.


Most practice-oriented...

During the classes, the postgraduate master classes, we translate theoretical models and methods into the daily practice of your sales team. Together with your fellow students, you will find scientifically based sales techniques that really suit you. You will learn to understand why methods are successful. And why, in many cases, they are not.

You will be personally coached based on your personal behavioral and motivational test plus a 360-degree assessment by your team. You will also receive all the guidance you need to achieve your Post-Hbo/Post-academic Diploma and excel together with your sales team.

In addition, assessment will not be through thesis and reports, but through practical assignments.

Your Sales Playbook

Practical assignments are designed so that upon successful completion they become part of your own "Sales Playbook. A valuable manual that can be used by your team. So the positive impact of your course will go far beyond improving your personal management and leadership skills alone. Your entire team will start pushing the boundaries because of your course .

Most Flexible...

You are also flexible in what pace you go through our postgraduate sales courses .

We do teach you how to be less of a "Chief Fire Fighter," because often this is by your own merit of leadership. But sometimes business things happen that you really could not have foreseen and need attention NOW. Private is also important and the same applies here. So we offer you the opportunity at any time to hit the pause button. Move to another location or attend a master class online.

We find it important that you develop yourself in a way that you get the most out of the Course and do not get sidetracked by outside pressure. Ideal if you are in a dynamic environment or are internationally active.

The most 'up-to-date' ...

We are embracing 'AI' and thus ChatGPT. 'AI' is a 'new' phenomenon that a modern Sales Team must consider. 'If you Snooze, You'll Lose...'

'The genie is out of the bottle' and 'If you can't fight it..., join it!' ChatGPT is well regarded, something exceptionally applicable within the sales domain at any level. 'It will put your sales team on steroids'

Not to create superficial texts that can do more harm than good. We'll teach you how you and your team can use this much more thoughtfully to dig deeper with your Sales Team than ever before and help customers better. In fact ... it will help you as a sales manager to make your team more self-directed, so you can have some peace of mind. But then you have to know how ... and we'll teach you.


Stand out from the crowed....

'College-level thinking and work' is the norm these days. With a Postgraduate Diploma from the Sales Leadership Academy, there will no longer be any doubt about this.

Unfortunately, you then only meet the "norm," and so there will be many more like that, so you blend back into the average.

Today, the Netherlands is closely tied economically to world trade. In fact, one in five jobs depends on it. As a Sales Manager, you are therefore, through a holding company, suppliers or customers, part of this international playing field left or right. We Dutch often do not sufficiently understand how things work internationally. Our international trading spirit is no longer sufficient, which means that more and more unnecessary opportunities are missed. The Netherlands is becoming smaller and smaller....

Do you want to be among the "happy few" who understand how things work in sales worldwide and be able to add the coveted internationally recognized registration title CSE® (Certified Sales Executive) to your name? Then you are in good hands with us. You can be sure that you will stand out as a Sales Leader.


Siemon van Dam Experienced commercial manager | Consultant with a focus on growth | Conceptual thinker | Process- and people-oriented acting

"Ben has the ability to constantly challenge and put sales professionals and managers on edge. He can act and teach at a very high level of abstraction but can also zoom in at lightning speed to a real-world situation. This worked very enlightening and inspiring for me. Ben reads an incredible amount; he incorporates the most current theories and models into his lessons. From his years of experience as a consultant and interim manager, he has numerous practical situations that he brings into the lessons. Switching between theory on the one hand and then to best practice from his own experience contributes to an enormously steep learning curve. Having worked for years in both the U.S. and the Netherlands, he has incorporated the best-of-both-worlds into his training program. Quality aside, I can honestly say that Ben will do everything in his power to achieve your learning goals. I have enjoyed his classes and it has brought me much more than I suspected beforehand."

Ing. Nick Crutzen CSE Managing Director || DGA || Chief Revenue Officer.

"Ben was able to guide me from unconsciously competent to consciously competent. I now sincerely dare to say that he has been able to turn me into a sales professional, coach and manager, in turn enabling me to guide my team. His pragmatic approach and additional experience have ensured that, for the first time in years, I have enjoyed participating in a course for 9 months. You can truly say that Ben managed to engage and captivate me in a challenging and very accessible way."

Rene Thiel, CSE General Manager at Van der Ende T.H.O.

"Every time I've had a master class with Ben, I sit in the car on the way home with an elevated heart rate and ideas. Ideas are bubbling through my head about how I am going to do things (differently). I think this is the best compliment a trainer can get..... Ben is a man with a mountain of ready knowledge and experience, but in addition he distinguishes himself from many other trainers by inspiring and challenging me without having to lose my identity. i will miss the master classes when they are completed, fortunately we will see each other at the SMEI round table meetings."

Stef Aelmans, CSE Connecting Advisor | Recruiter within the Process Industry

"Ben, with his experience, drive, enthusiasm and way of teaching, continuously knows how to bring out the best in people. In the past 9 months of the internationally accredited post-hbo course Sales Management, he has managed to inspire, motivate and develop me to the highest level in the field of Sales Leadership! With his sharpness and content he opens your eyes in the world of Sales and with his approach and way of working makes this course a great success!"