12 08, 2022

The miracle question. , are you asking it correctly?


Coaching sales professionals. Every manager claims to do it, but few can. Can you ask "miracle questions? Coaching leadership can change a lot for the better. For the employee and for yourself. Both become more focused, more effective, life becomes a little easier and more fun. Not to mention ... the sales [ ...]

The miracle question. , are you asking it correctly?2022-08-12T13:45:21+02:00
3 07, 2022

It can be done much smarter, so pull up that job posting for that account manager or marketer, again....


Here are the 7.5 tips, which may lead you to the conclusion, that you don't need more people at all, you can get by with less. It's a thing these days - getting new people. It can seriously hinder the growth of your organization, it seems. However, there are more [... ]

It can be done much smarter, so pull up that job posting for that account manager or marketer, again....2022-07-03T13:30:04+02:00
17 05, 2022

Who alone are capable of stimulating the economy immediately?


The answer to this question was aptly answered in all of 2013. But what have we done with it? Are we acting on it? Those who have acted on it will have done no favors. The good news ... also for and you and your business it is not too late. In order not to detract [... ]

Who alone are capable of stimulating the economy immediately?2022-05-17T12:09:13+02:00
11 05, 2022

Do you dump your CRM System or keep fiddling?


Before you answer, ask yourself. Which comes first? The CRM system or the sales system and the sales process? The answer is the reason why things so often go wrong and the CRM system is often perceived more as a burden than a joy. Alumni of the lectures and master classes, [ ...]

Do you dump your CRM System or keep fiddling?2022-05-11T15:09:46+02:00
2 05, 2022

'Psychology of persuasion', do NOT take this master class!


This master class on the psychology of persuasion is probably at too high a level for the average account manager or sales manager. This is the Master Class Brain Sensitive Influencing & Persuading of the Sales Leadership Academy. In fact, the academy translates theory into the participant's practice. [...]

'Psychology of persuasion', do NOT take this master class!2022-05-03T07:43:59+02:00
14 10, 2020

5.5 Video conferencing / webinar tips. If you must, do it right.


No one doubts it now. Video-meetings, like-it-or-not, it will be an integral part of your daily work in the coming months. How do you do it better and more professionally? And how do you make it more enjoyable for yourself and others? Last week I participated in an energizing video meeting provided by Aramik Garabidian, in [... ]

5.5 Video conferencing / webinar tips. If you must, do it right.2020-10-14T11:54:00+02:00
10 10, 2020

Decision makers do not buy products or services


We are trained with the mantra "we don't sell drills, we sell holes." Our products and services must be solutions to concrete problems. But the decision makers in the C-suite, don't talk about drills or holes. But then, what are the criteria on which they decide?

Decision makers do not buy products or services2020-10-15T17:37:14+02:00
4 10, 2020

Cut spending and invest in one fell swoop. How do you do it?


Fernando Padmos, former course member of ours and winner of the 2017 Senior Sales Professional of the Year award from the Sales Management Association (SMA), posted an interesting video on "The future of sales 2020" in the LinkedIn group (Sales) Leadership. A LinkedIn group exclusively for alumni and trainees of the Sales Leadership Academy [ ...].

Cut spending and invest in one fell swoop. How do you do it?2020-10-04T12:45:29+02:00
24 09, 2020

It all worked out differently..., so do it differently now.


For Corona, I found that we often pay too much attention to it and usually in the wrong way, ... the environmental analysis. External analysis and SWOTS are standard part of every marketing and sales plan. Unfortunately usually with a lot of bla, bla without the issues being further developed into concrete actions that we act upon. Now [... ]

It all worked out differently..., so do it differently now.2020-09-24T17:11:49+02:00
22 09, 2020

Finance for (sales) professionals and DGAs


Are you a DGA, board member, or employee with a heart for the business? Then you will probably be thinking a lot right now about the next few months and next year. You'll probably be looking for the answer to the questions "What should the focus be?" and "How? The tendency is to think that everything will [ ...].

Finance for (sales) professionals and DGAs2020-09-24T17:14:23+02:00
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