Senior lecturer Ben Mastboom CSE SCPS

"Because every organization and every individual is unique, I strongly support the approach of creating your 'own' sales methodology. While standard methodologies are an important source of inspiration, they must be supplemented with the company's own best practices and experiences. Together with contemporary insights from thought leaders and others, 'Your way of Selling®' is shaped. The only methodology that is sustainable and fits the organization, its employees and customers. And because it feels 'owned', it will 'boost' results and be lasting."

"In my view, sales and marketing form a universal game that is the basis of every organization's existence: 'The true business of every company ... is to get, keep and develop more customers.'" (Peter F. Drucker, 1954). Sales and marketing together play a key role in this. Together they create value for and from the customer."

"I am always looking for the ideal sales and marketing methodology. I share my most recent knowledge as a Key-note speaker, through training and education programs and consulting and interim projects."

Ben Mastboom is owner and CEO of the Mastboom Group, director of the Sales Leadership Academy and author of the book 'Your Way of Selling' and many articles in the trade journal SalesManagement. He is also senior lecturer in Sales Leadership at the HAN University of applied sciences and holds a vice-chair position at the international board of world's largest sales & marketing association SMEI. Ben lived in the United States from 2005 to 2014 and has worked in various executive sales and marketing positions at large internationally operating organizations, SMEs and start-ups.